Health & Safety Policy

Hindmarsh Plumbing is well recognised as a trusted plumbing, design and water treatment provider. We have over 40 years of experience in contract and service-based projects, delivering excellence across all sectors. Our experience is spread over a range of market segments including, defence, health, aged care, retail, industrial and commercial projects.

From high-level decision making, to our everyday operations, Hindmarsh Plumbing’s shared vision, clear purpose and core values make us who we are. It’s in our DNA.

Consistent and uncompromising safety, environmental and quality systems allows us to deliver the highest standard of construction plumbing, design and maintenance services.

To achieve our Health and Safety commitment, we will:

  • Ensure the health and safety of employees, apprentices, contractors, customers and the public by eliminating or minimising hazards and reducing the risks associated with our work so far as is reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of controls; and
  • Ensure safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and ill health.
  • Identify, communicate and monitor health and safety objectives and performance measures at all levels within the business;
  • Understand, comply with and fulfil all legislative requirements, other requirements and industry standards relating to workplace health and safety.
  • Implement, maintain and continually improve our Work Health and Safety Management System; and
  • Uphold a consultative approach and active participation of workers to identify and aid in managing health and safety matters.